
Baton Rouge Drivers License Renewals | Lobdell Auto Title

baton rouge drivers license renewalsIf you live in Baton Rouge or the surrounding areas you can count on Lobdell Auto Title for all your Baton Rouge drivers license renewals needs. We are here located at 7510 Florida Blvd Baton Rouge. Our office is conveniently located to all sides of the city. When you need to renew your drivers license we can help you accomplish this fast.

Why Renew Your Drivers License?

There are many reasons why you might need Baton Rouge drivers license renewals services. In the state of Louisiana your drivers license is only valid for six years and expires on your date of birth. If you have a Louisiana drivers license and it has expired you can renew it by coming into our office. Renewal requirements will be determined by several factors. Are your drivers license current? Expired? Suspended? or Lost/stolden? each one of these scenarios will determine what you must do to renew your drivers license. If your drivers license is current you may renew it up to 180 days before it expires. You do not need to wait for the last minute. Its easier to renew if it is still current. Other reasons you may need to renew your drivers license could include that you recently moved into the state of Louisiana and you have a current out of state drivers license. You may also need to renew if you recently relocated within the state. The law allows you up to 15 days to get your new drivers license with the address matching your current address.

Lobdell Auto Title

When you need Baton Rouge Drivers License Renewals you can count on Lobdell Auto Title to get your license renewed quickly and without the hassles of standing in long lines. Call us first and make sure you renew on time.

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